Monday, February 17, 2014
Apple support : хэрэглэгчийн зөвлөхөөс хэдэн юм лавлав?
Apple live chat болон call-г бид төдийлөн ойшоодогүй нь үнэн ямар нэг юм болвол нөгөө л нэг файсбүүк групп эсвэл комментоор асуудаг билээ харин би энэ удаа сонирхоод live chat-аар хэдэн юм лавлаж үзлээ манайхаас хүмүүсийн асуудаг асуултуудыг ерөнхийд нь асуулаа та ч мөн асуух боломжтой chat нь 24/7Яагаад гэнэт асуугаад мөн идэвхтэй байгаа вэ?
бид өөрсдөө хийхгүй бол хэн apple-с энэ асуултуудыг асуухав дээ.Та ч мөн үүнтэй төстэй асуулт болон асуудлыг хэрхэн шийдсэн мөн монголын операторууд энэ талаар юу гэж хэлж байгаа талаар тодорхой мэдээлэл сэтгэгдэл хэсэг дээр үлдээнэ.
Утасаа хаявал яах вэ гэсэн асуултад тодорхой хариулт хэрэгтэй байгаа болхоор бид л өөрсдөө энэ талаар мэдэж авах хэрэгтэй болов уу
Харин call center нь тухайн бүсээсээ хамаарч цаг өөр байдаг гэнэ.
За ерөнхий хэдэн асуултууд нь
Миний холбогдсон ажилтан Beau гэдэг мөн байршил нь florida "флорида"
Tugsjin: Би утасаа гээсэн юм тэгээд яавал тэр утасыг ашиглах боломжгүй болгох вэ?
Beau: - луу орон lost mode идэвхжүүлэх боломжтой
Tugsjin: би bypass хийх талаар сонслоо энэ үнэн үү?
Beau: bypass хийх activation болиулах боломжгүй мөн та apple id-гаа оруулсан бол таны мэдээлэл гадагшлах боломжгүй
Beau: bypass хийх activation болиулах боломжгүй мөн та apple id-гаа оруулсан бол таны мэдээлэл гадагшлах боломжгүй
Tugsjin: Надад хэлээч serial дугаар болон imei дугаарыг солих боломж бий юу?
Beau: үгүй ээ боломжгүй техник дээр суурилагдсан болхоор
Beau: үгүй ээ боломжгүй техник дээр суурилагдсан болхоор
Tugsjin: би өөрийнхөө нэр дээр бүртгүүлсэн утасыг хэн нэгэн устгах боломж бий юу?
Beau: тэгэх ямар ч боломжгүй
Beau: тэгэх ямар ч боломжгүй
Tugsjin: танайд мэдэгдээд ашиглах боломжгүй болгох боломжтой юу?
Beau: сим хийсэн буюу зөвхөн тэр оператортоо хандаж болно.
Beau: сим хийсэн буюу зөвхөн тэр оператортоо хандаж болно.
Tugsjin: энэ утас contact- бишээ sim-free загвар нь тэгсэн ч гэсэн үү?
Beau: тиймээ
Beau: оператортоо мэдэгдэж байжил ашиглах боломжгүй болгож болно
Beau: тиймээ
Beau: оператортоо мэдэгдэж байжил ашиглах боломжгүй болгож болно
Tugsjin: техник гэмтэлтэй утасыг солих боломж бий юу?
Beau: тийм байгаа буцаан олгоод шинийг авах ёстой
Tugsjin: буцаан олгох хугацаа нь хүчинтэй бол?
Beau: тийм байгаа буцаан олгоод шинийг авах ёстой
Tugsjin: буцаан олгох хугацаа нь хүчинтэй бол?
Beau: мэдээж болно та буцаан олгох болон засуулах боломжтой техникийн албаас мэдээлэл авч болно
Tugsjin: яаж буцаан олгох вэ?
Beau: авсан газартаа аваачиж өгнө техникийн албаас мэдээлэл авч болно
Tugsjin: яаж буцаан олгох вэ?
Beau: авсан газартаа аваачиж өгнө
Beau: Та хаанаас холбогдож байна?
Tugsjin: би монголоос холбогдож байна энд албан ёсны дэлгүүр байхгүй
Beau: та авсан газар буюу албан ёсны apple store-доо гэмтэлтэй утасаа буцаан олгох боломжтой
Чатыг бүрэн үзэх бол доорхийг хараарай
Tugsjin: би монголоос холбогдож байна энд албан ёсны дэлгүүр байхгүй
Beau: та авсан газар буюу албан ёсны apple store-доо гэмтэлтэй утасаа буцаан олгох боломжтой
энэ мэтчилэн ерөнхий асуултууд асуусан ба хаясан утас тухайн операторт л хамаатай асуудал гэсэн үг юм байна apple-д ямар нэг report илгээх боломжгүй мөн imei/serial солих боломжгүй юм байна
Чатыг бүрэн үзэх бол доорхийг хараарай
Chat Transcript
Monday, February 17, 2014 04:29 AM
Duration: 57 minutes 45 seconds
Duration: 57 minutes 45 seconds
Thanks for contacting AppleCare chat support. My name is Beau. Please give me a moment to look over your information.
Thanks for contacting AppleCare chat support. My name is Beau. Please give me a moment to look over your information.
I definitely want to do everything I can to help you resolve this issue today. In the event you need to contact us in the future you can visit our support site by going to Your case number today is:577310279
I definitely want to do everything I can to help you resolve this issue today. In the event you need to contact us in the future you can visit our support site by going to Your case number today is:577310279
I see that you are having some trouble with your e-mail, is that correct Tugsjin?
I see that you are having some trouble with your e-mail, is that correct Tugsjin?
i have a question
i have a question
what i do
what i do
when i was stolen my iphone
when i was stolen my iphone
my phone is turn off
my phone is turn off
I am sorry to hear that you had your phone stolen. Let me see what I can do to help you get this resolved.
I am sorry to hear that you had your phone stolen. Let me see what I can do to help you get this resolved.
You can turn on the Lost Mode option on your iCloud account by going to
You can turn on the Lost Mode option on your iCloud account by going to
yeah i can turn on lost mode
yeah i can turn on lost mode
Is it possible to change parts , use this iphone
Is it possible to change parts , use this iphone
Once you are the site you can login with your AppleID and password that you use for your account. Then you can locate the phone from the All Devices option, and put the phone into Lost Mode so no one can unlock it
Once you are the site you can login with your AppleID and password that you use for your account. Then you can locate the phone from the All Devices option, and put the phone into Lost Mode so no one can unlock it
iI the phone needs to be repaired, it will need to be completed by an authorized Apple service center
iI the phone needs to be repaired, it will need to be completed by an authorized Apple service center
Is it possible to change the serial number or imei
Is it possible to change the serial number or imei
If the phone is serviced by someone other then an authorized service provider, it will voice the warranty on the device
If the phone is serviced by someone other then an authorized service provider, it will voice the warranty on the device
No, the serial number and IMEI are attached to the phone
No, the serial number and IMEI are attached to the phone
Since the device was stolen, you can contact your cellular service provider and report it stolen so that it can’t be activated on your network again, and putting it in lost mode will not let someone else use the phone unless they know the code that you create for Lost Mode
Since the device was stolen, you can contact your cellular service provider and report it stolen so that it can’t be activated on your network again, and putting it in lost mode will not let someone else use the phone unless they know the code that you create for Lost Mode
so i say stolen iphone report to my cellular service ?
so i say stolen iphone report to my cellular service ?
this iphone is not contacted
this iphone is not contacted
this iphone is sim-free
this iphone is sim-free
You will need to report it to them, and local law enforcement
You will need to report it to them, and local law enforcement
I have boxes and information and serial number
I have boxes and information and serial number
i have register this iphone to me
i have register this iphone to me
Ok, if the phone in unlocked then putting it in lost mode will keep someone from being able to unlock the phone
Ok, if the phone in unlocked then putting it in lost mode will keep someone from being able to unlock the phone
When you put it in lost mode, you will create a passcode that will keep them from being able to use the phone again
When you put it in lost mode, you will create a passcode that will keep them from being able to use the phone again
i have register this iphone to me and I decide it impossible to use
i have register this iphone to me and I decide it impossible to use
its possible?
its possible?
Because the phone is stolen, and no longer in your possession, putting the phone into Lost Mode from will help keep someone else from using the phone, or accessing your personal information
Because the phone is stolen, and no longer in your possession, putting the phone into Lost Mode from will help keep someone else from using the phone, or accessing your personal information
Since the phone was stolen, you will need to report it to your local law enforcement office
Since the phone was stolen, you will need to report it to your local law enforcement office
To put the phone in Lost Mode you will need to go to and login with your AppleID and password.
To put the phone in Lost Mode you will need to go to and login with your AppleID and password.
i know but i read this article "bypass iOS 7 activation"
i know but i read this article "bypass iOS 7 activation"
its possible?
its possible?
When you put the phone into Lost Mode, the next time it tries to activate it will ask for the passcode you created
When you put the phone into Lost Mode, the next time it tries to activate it will ask for the passcode you created
Without that passcode, the phone goes into activation lock, and will not come out until you put in the passcode
Without that passcode, the phone goes into activation lock, and will not come out until you put in the passcode
The cellular service provider cannot bypass that activation lock, and if they contact us, we cannot bypass that either
The cellular service provider cannot bypass that activation lock, and if they contact us, we cannot bypass that either
If you have to understand that it can not solve the problem if this
If you have to understand that it can not solve the problem if this
i only can do call the service provider and turn on icloud
i only can do call the service provider and turn on icloud
Yes, you will want to put it in Lost Mode, and contact your carrier to let them know. They can document that the information for your phone has been stolen
Yes, you will want to put it in Lost Mode, and contact your carrier to let them know. They can document that the information for your phone has been stolen
I am very sorry Tugsjin. I know it if frustrating when you have a phone stolen from you.
I am very sorry Tugsjin. I know it if frustrating when you have a phone stolen from you.
But, putting it in Lost Mode is the best thing for you to do now.
But, putting it in Lost Mode is the best thing for you to do now.
call to service provider possible sim - free iphone ?
call to service provider possible sim - free iphone ?
You can also use the Find My iPhone app to track the phone if is does come back online.
You can also use the Find My iPhone app to track the phone if is does come back online.
I think, it's work only contacted iphone
I think, it's work only contacted iphone
You can let them know, just incase someone tries to activate using the same carrier as you
You can let them know, just incase someone tries to activate using the same carrier as you
In order to ensure we addressed everything to your satisfaction, would you agree we were able to start you on a path to resolving the issue you contacted us about today?
In order to ensure we addressed everything to your satisfaction, would you agree we were able to start you on a path to resolving the issue you contacted us about today?
Are you still there?
Are you still there?
Is there absolutely can not be used to service
Is there absolutely can not be used to service
No, once the phone is in Lost Mode it goes into an Activation Lock, and cannot be removed unless you input the Lost Mode passcode
No, once the phone is in Lost Mode it goes into an Activation Lock, and cannot be removed unless you input the Lost Mode passcode
and contact service contact provider
and contact service contact provider
Yes, to report it stolen
Yes, to report it stolen
other possible method?
other possible method?
You can track it on the Find My iPhone app on
You can track it on the Find My iPhone app on
If the phone is turned back, you will be able to locate it and possibly recover the phone.
If the phone is turned back, you will be able to locate it and possibly recover the phone.
please tell me right
please tell me right
Can someone delete my account included iphone serial?
Can someone delete my account included iphone serial?
this iphone serial to registered me
this iphone serial to registered me
The serial number is attached to the phone itself
The serial number is attached to the phone itself
My name and my apple id is still there
My name and my apple id is still there
You cannot erase the serial number or the IMEI number, they are part of the hardware
You cannot erase the serial number or the IMEI number, they are part of the hardware
You can also contact the local authorities to let them know that it has been stolen
You can also contact the local authorities to let them know that it has been stolen
By putting the phone in Lost Mode, they cannot access the information on the phone.
By putting the phone in Lost Mode, they cannot access the information on the phone.
And, they cannot access your personal information from the phone, or by contacting us
And, they cannot access your personal information from the phone, or by contacting us
okey thanks last questing
okey thanks last questing
are you human or bot?
are you human or bot?
You are very welcome
You are very welcome
I am 100% human
I am 100% human
In order to ensure we addressed everything to your satisfaction, would you agree we were able to start you on a path to resolving the issue you contacted us about today?
In order to ensure we addressed everything to your satisfaction, would you agree we were able to start you on a path to resolving the issue you contacted us about today?
Is it possible to return the equipment is defective
Is it possible to return the equipment is defective
Returning a device is based on the return policy of the place your purchased it
Returning a device is based on the return policy of the place your purchased it
to the the official store?
to the the official store?
If it was purchased from an Apple retail store, then it can be returned according to their return policy
If it was purchased from an Apple retail store, then it can be returned according to their return policy
If it is outside of the number of days you have to return the device, then we can help you through chat support to get the device repaired or replaced
If it is outside of the number of days you have to return the device, then we can help you through chat support to get the device repaired or replaced
technical support expired iphone possible?
technical support expired iphone possible?
for example iPhone 4 , 4s etc
for example iPhone 4 , 4s etc
Our tech support can help you with those too
Our tech support can help you with those too
please tell me
please tell me
Did you have something you needed assistance with?
Did you have something you needed assistance with?
techical support not exipred iphone money for fixing or hardware replacement
techical support not exipred iphone money for fixing or hardware replacement
for example iPhone 5s hardware replacement cost?
for example iPhone 5s hardware replacement cost?
Where are you currently located
Where are you currently located
or Give it to broken iphone and get new ones
or Give it to broken iphone and get new ones
i'm from mongolia apple official store not here :(
i'm from mongolia apple official store not here :(
It is going to be based on what is wrong with the phone, and where you are located.
It is going to be based on what is wrong with the phone, and where you are located.
now on my location?
now on my location?
It really needed?
It really needed?
What you would need to do is locate an Apple Authorized Service Provider where you are locate.
What you would need to do is locate an Apple Authorized Service Provider where you are locate.
my friend wanted me to ask this question
my friend wanted me to ask this question
They can give you prices for repair service, and help you troubleshoot any issues you may have with the phone
They can give you prices for repair service, and help you troubleshoot any issues you may have with the phone
You can do that by going to
You can do that by going to
From there you can put in information regarding how to find the nearest service provider and they contact information
From there you can put in information regarding how to find the nearest service provider and they contact information
They can help you with repair service and cost, and can answer any questions regarding the repair process
They can help you with repair service and cost, and can answer any questions regarding the repair process
You are very welcome
You are very welcome
one question "Now Chatting with Beau"
one question "Now Chatting with Beau"
Beau its your name?
Beau its your name?
are you female or male
are you female or male
The service is nice
The service is nice
Thank you
Thank you
call and live chat support 24/7?
call and live chat support 24/7?
Chat is 24/7
Chat is 24/7
Phones have different hours depending on location
Phones have different hours depending on location
Where are you now?
Where are you now?
I am in the US
I am in the US
No, I am located in Florida
No, I am located in Florida
It has been my pleasure to assist you today! When you are ready to end the chat, please click on the “END CHAT” button. Thanks again for chatting with me, and I hope the rest of your day is fantastic!
It has been my pleasure to assist you today! When you are ready to end the chat, please click on the “END CHAT” button. Thanks again for chatting with me, and I hope the rest of your day is fantastic!
okey thanks
okey thanks